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  1. AI Assistant and privacy - what you need to know

  2. Can I add email conversations to ContractZen?

  3. Can I customize/add new contract types? How to use Custom types and Common tags?

  4. Can I hide document metadata fields and make them mandatory for the users to fill in?

  5. Do you have capacity limitations?

  6. Do you have collaboration and workflow tools?

  7. Do you have Single Sign-On (SSO)?

  8. Do you have user guide videos?

  9. Do you offer Full Text Search/OCR?

  10. Do you offer Multi-Factor Authentication?

  11. How can I change my email address?

  12. How can materials from board and other meetings be managed more efficiently and securely?

  13. How do I edit or delete custom types and common tags?

  14. How do I edit the user list when an employee leaves the company?

  15. How do I invite other users to join my ContractZen account?

  16. How do I register for the ContractZen service?

  17. How does the e-Signing work and what is the pricing?

  18. How many different types of users can you create in your solution (e.g., administrator, read-only, etc.)?

  19. How to add documents to your ContractZen account?

  20. How to add my company's VAT ID to my account?

  21. How to change date order (for example, from Day/Month/Year to Month/Day/Year)?

  22. How to create and use a Virtual Data Room (Basic & Pro version)?

  23. How to create Custom Metadata Fields?

  24. How to delete documents' and meetings' contacts?

  25. How to display only companies from a specific branch in the Entity Management Chart View?

  26. How to e-Sign documents and meetings?

  27. How to edit access rights?

  28. How to enable Microsoft 365 Outlook calendar synchronization?

  29. How to install ContractZen's Teams app?

  30. How to manage and share group company information? (Entity Management)

  31. How to manage employee documents in ContractZen?

  32. How to manage multiple accounts?

  33. How to mass edit contracts' metadata?

  34. How to organize Contract Management in my organization with ContractZen?

  35. How to organize documents with Common Tags in a Virtual Data Room?

  36. How to purchase ContractZen from Microsoft?

  37. How to see a report of which documents are signed?

  38. How to send a reminder about the missing eSignatures to the signers?

  39. How to use board portal tools (Agenda, My Notes, Review & Final)?

  40. How to use Boolean search operators?

  41. How to use the Access Groups add-on feature?

  42. How to use the Meeting Scheduler?

  43. I have forgotten my User ID.

  44. I need help with the service/ I have something to ask from the ContractZen team/ I am having problems with the service, how do I get help?

  45. I want to have a backup of my data, is it possible?

  46. I want to terminate my subscription, what happens to my data?

  47. Is it possible to import our current database to ContractZen from excel or csv file?

  48. Is it possible to move documents between different categories (for example, from Contracts to Finance&Admin)?

  49. Is my data safe and secure with ContractZen?

  50. Is the Electronic signature as valid as a hand-signed signature?

  51. Is your company compliant with the EU directive regarding protection of personal data?

  52. Quick Start Guide

  53. Signatures made with Visma Sign are not shown in the browser's PDF viewer

  54. Supported browsers

  55. The documents sent to inbox are not encoded correctly

  56. What are the General Terms of Use?

  57. What data do you read when enabling Microsoft 365 authentication or calendar integration?

  58. What does metadata-driven service actually mean and how does it help you?

  59. What is a Virtual Data Room and how much does it cost?

  60. What is MeetingBook and how does it work?

  61. What is the maximum file size in ContractZen?

  62. What is the SmartIndex and how to use it?

  63. What makes ContractZen so unique and awesome?

  64. What payment options does ContractZen offer?

  65. What types of files can I upload to ContractZen?

  66. Who can be added as an attendee in a meeting?

  67. Who can create the Meeting Minutes?

  68. Who is ContractZen designed for?

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