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Is your company compliant with the EU directive regarding protection of personal data?

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can be found from EU’s EurLex.

As a Finnish-based company ContractZen is subject to the GDPR and has taken measures to ensure his compliance with the GDPR. ContractZen’s role in processing of personal data is twofold. On the one hand, we act as a controller to the personal data of our customers or their representatives using our Service. For details regarding our data processing practices where we act as a controller, please see our Privacy Policy.
Please also find our Terms of Use here.

On the other hand, in regard to such personal data that our customers or their representatives store in our Service, our customer is the data controller and we process such personal data on behalf of them as a processor. When acting as a processor, we process the personal data according to the service agreement between our customer and us as well as the instructions given by the customer.

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