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AI Assistant and privacy - what you need to know


The AI Assistant available via ContractZen is based on Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service. Microsoft currently informs all users as follows:

”Your prompts (inputs) and completions (outputs), your embeddings, and your training data:
  • are NOT available to other customers.
  • are NOT available to OpenAI.
  • are NOT used to improve OpenAI models.
  • are NOT used to improve any Microsoft or 3rd party products or services.
  • are NOT used for automatically improving Azure OpenAI models for your use in your resource.
  • Your fine-tuned Azure OpenAI models are available exclusively for your use.
The Azure OpenAI Service is fully controlled by Microsoft; Microsoft hosts the OpenAI models in Microsoft’s Azure environment and the Service does NOT interact with any services operated by OpenAI (e.g. ChatGPT, or the OpenAI API).”


While the AI Assistant provides information based on a vast dataset, it doesn't guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or appropriateness of its responses for specific tasks or decision-making processes. ContractZen does not guarantee or warrant accuracy of any information provided by the AI Assistant and you rely on information provided by the AI Assistant solely at your own risk. ContractZen is in particular not liable for any costs, damages or losses that may be incurred by usage of the AI Assistant.

The AI Assistant should not replace professional advice or judgment. Always consult with experts or professionals, especially in matters that require specialized knowledge, such as in legal, financial, or regulatory matters.

Please note that the secure AI model's transient process can handle maximum context length of 16384 tokens.

Files uploaded by users are stored in Azure Storage, which has encryption enabled at rest, which also uses AES-256. In addition, the files are encrypted with AES before upload with a customer-specific encryption key. The key is stored in Azure Key Vault service.

Please find more info about the security of ContractZen at

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